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I heard someone on the radio lamenting the increasing violence in our society, and apparently not knowing why this has happened, I don't think the announcer understood either.

At one time there was an all pervading belief in the God of the Bible, that there were standards for behaviour set by God, and good for the community. Most people behaved themselves and respected others and their property, there were very few "bad apples" and just one murder made it a bad year.

Now we teach evolution in schools and relativistic morals, that morals are whatever you feel is right for you. We deliberately set our children on an amoral course and send them out into the world with little moral guidance, a guarantee that there are no moral standards, except don't get caught. They have to find their own standards and place in society, their occupation and recreational activities. This is often partying until exhausted or too drunk or high on drugs to know or care what is happening, driving wrecklesly, abandoning any care or responsibility, as nothing is valued. Because of the lack of guidance, or choosing to ignore guidance, many make serious mistakes that can blight their life. Children are out of control, drink drugs crime extortion anything they chose, running roughshod over society. This is nothing new, in Isaiah chapter 3 verse 12 "Youths oppress my people, women rule over them. O my people your guides lead you astray; they turn you from the path."

Many of our churches have so softened their beliefs that they have joined in to destroy our nation, and stopped upholding Gods word as the proper moral standard and don't seriously teach about salvation and our eternal future and eternal value, often embracing those things the Biblical book of Romans warns against, because evil people claim it is politically correct to accept everyones views as equal to or better than Gods ordinances. Most of our population has been raised without becoming acquainted with the concept of a God who has standards and morals, and who values human life for its eternal future with him. Also many have immigrated from atheistic or polytheistic flexible moral societies.

Because our society (NZ) murders 15-18 thousand a year of those created in the image of God, the nation is under a curse, and all the evil that God has threatened to bring against those who do such evil is coming upon us.The claim that the fetus is not human is a lie, it could never be anything else, and has all the potential for growing up in the instructions of its DNA. In ancient times God was listing the sins of the Jewish nation. In Ezekiel Ch16 v21-22 "Was your prostitution not enough? You slaughtered my children and sacrificed them to the idols." God was making it clear that the children are his, not ours, nor ours to dispose of, sacrificing them at our idol, the alter of convenience. (we need a home first, need new carpet or furniture, car etc.) If it is conceived and can thrive it is Gods, but ours to look after in this life on earth. We will have to account for our stewardship over them.

While evolution holds sway, our nation will continue to degrade human life, and extol the rights on monkeys etcetera as equal to humans. There has been big demonstrations and legal wrangling over the problems of shifting a species of carnivorous snails from one hill to another, to enable coal mining, but no such fuss over the 18 thousand who won't be born, and won't be going to school in a few years, or subsequent batches lost to us each year. Murder and violence will increase, as in the evolutionary view we are no more than pond scum, with no value, no purpose in this life, and definitely no eternal future, nothing to look forward to. Then we wonder why so many are depressed and suicidal. But at the same time we extol the rights of animals and even plants, as above our rights.

The human embryo is created from two humans, will only ever be human, and does not go through any "evolutionary stages", that is just lies told to try to support evolutionary belief, which starts by denying any possibility of a god or spiritual realm, but cannot account for how life could have started, or how increasing complexity could arise by randomness and copying errors.

The effect of evolution and associated lack of morals on children is devastating, as when they consider that they could have easily been aborted as an unwanted non-human growth of no value, what then is their value, if any? When did they become human? One member of Congress in the USA wanted to make it "when you take them home". So you could abandon them in the hospital and they would never become human. Does society value them? Careless and hazardous live styles become the "norm" as there is no reason in the evolutionary belief to consider the future or the welfare of other people, just enjoy yourself, set your own rules, make your own excitement. Suicide and murder are easy ways out of any stressful situation, as they are not being taught that they have a great value in Gods sight, or anybodies sight, and an eternal destiny with God if they want it. If you want to know your value ask God, He is always listening, but may wait till He thinks you really mean it.

In the beginning why God created the world and your purpose in life, and eternal future if you respond correctly. Some verses for those who want to find a relationship with God.
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